Balancing elements of life is an active state of engagement with ourselves and the world around us. It’s learning to lean into life. It’s also a function of knowing when to pull back and take care of one's self.

Balance is an act of self-care.

Each and every one of us learns to do this at our own pace and in our own way. Life is dynamic and constantly evolving, shifting our needs and responsibilities.

Part of my own personal learning has been adjusting what this looks like for me moment to moment, as opposed to what I think it should look like.

My self-care practices allow me to restore, grow, or just be.

Living your best life truly requires balance. 

One of my favorite self-care practices is visual mediation because it allows me to slow down and feel what I need in that moment. So much of what I do is in my head and action based so this type of meditation is the balance I require to access my intuition and my BEingness.

I invite you to practice living in balance!




Self-Care Sunday Anyone?!?