
Gratitude is about focusing on what’s good in our lives.

Gratitude is about being thankful for the things we have — both big and small.

Gratitude is about pausing to notice and appreciate simple things to fuel our body that we often take for granted — our breath, good food, and clean water.

Gratitude is a positive emotion.

Practicing gratitude feels good.

What I’ve noticed is when I practice gratitude daily I am grounded.

This is because the more we practice gratitude, the neurons active around that positive experience light up and our brains begin to rewrite our experiences. You can literally create a happier life for yourself simply by being grateful.

Through my daily routine (rituals) I make a choice to practice positivity and gratitude, but it wasn’t always that way.

This shift has changed my life.

By practicing gratitude daily it wakes up my mind, body, and soul. I am proud of this beautiful habit which I created.

Not sure where to start?

Begin small. I suggest getting a gratitude journal to keep yourself accountable.

It will in return make a big impact on your daily life.


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